5 September 2021
Giardino Botanico di Oropa
POLLICIni VERDI Workshop: Munari’s tree and its inhabitants
OnSunday 5 September at 3.00 p.m. at the Oropa Botanical Garden, there will be a workshop entitled“GREEN PIGS: Munari’s tree and its inhabitants“, dedicated to children.
During the workshop we will discover how trees can be rich in biodiversity by building our own tree and taking inspiration from Bruno Munari ‘s text “Disegnare un albero” (Drawing a tree), and then customizing it and populating it with the most varied forms of life, not only animals, but also mushrooms and small plants.
As a souvenir of the experience, the young visitors will take home not only the tree rich in biodiversity that they made, but also a small plant to grow!
Reservation is required at the following