Created in its present form between the 19th and 20th centuries, this garden owes its beauty to the coexistence of a formal layout and a wooded area, not to mention splendid views out over the Gulf of Tigullio.
With its square plan, the Villa follows the typical template of architect Galeazzo Alessi’s 16th-century villas. In 1664, the Chiavari family took over the property from the Durazzo family, and from 1678 undertook radical renovation. In 1821, the Centurione family became owners. They made several changes to the complex, replacing the chestnut wood with a “romantic” park, embellishing the terraces with marble busts of illustrious Genoans, and planting trees including camphor, magnolias and palms. Giovanni Franceschetti gave the entire complex a new look, covering the terrace overlooking the sea in beautiful floral and arabesque mosaics. As part of the 1892 “Colombus Celebrations”, the villa was converted into a hotel frequented by leading figures from the international aristocracy, including Queen Margaret of Savoy. In 1919, the property was acquired by Alfredo Chierichetti, who oversaw a major transformation of the park, including enrichment of the wood with exotic new species and new paths. In 1973, the City of Santa Margherita purchased the Villa and opened it to the public. The citrus grove on the terrace looking out to sea is the oldest part of the garden; the 19th-century formal garden is divided into geometrical parterres bordered by boxwood hedges containing groups of roses, camellias and specimens of Cycas revoluta; we owe the arrangement of the forest, sloping down along the hill, to the 19th and 20th centuries. Concealed amongst the greenery, the Centurione Princes’ diminuitive “secret garden” was recently restored. A series of paths connects the Villa to the Capuchin convent, the church of San Giacomo and surrounding villages, making the garden the central hub of the local territorial system.