This famous architecture by Palladio, boasts frescoes by Veronese, stucco decorations by Alessandro Vittoria, and a sublimely essential garden with long avenues cutting through the countryside, clipped lawns, and a powerful yet subtle spatial layout.
Built between 1554 and 1559, the design of this villa is included in the Quattro Libri dell’Architettura (Four Books of Architecture) published by Palladio in 1570. The property changed hands several times until the Giacomelli family, in mid-19th century, had it restored, increasing the estate’s wine production, which continues to this day by the current owners, the Volpi di Misurata family, honouring a tradition that was already alive in Palladio’s time since his original design included “places for making wine” located below the current “barchesse” buildings. The landscape context, with the Asolo hills in the background and the slightly sloping terrain, is a key factor in the structure and the organisation of the complex. The garden plan was defined so to provide pleasing views from the main building: on the axis of the protruding facade the long avenue of lime trees stretches out into the landscape of vineyards ending in the semi-circle with the central “Fontana di Nettuno” by Alessandro Vittoria; passing through the entrance gate it continues and divides the internal areas of the enclosed garden, featuring wide stretches of lawn bordered by rows of trees. From a semi-circular opening decorated with statues, a stairway leads up to the upper terrace: on either side the gardens have a formal layout with two symmetrical lawn parterres, with the areas closest to the centre framed with boxwood hedges. At the back of the building is the secret garden, enclosed between the wings of the “barchesse”. Positioned at a higher level it was reorganised by Tomaso Buzzi in the 1930s, with a small fishpond at the centre and the magnificent nymphaeum with grotto. In the 20th century the garden on the other side of the nymphaeum, on the hill in the background, was redesigned by Maria Teresa Parpagliolo Shephard.