Fascinated by Jorge Luis Borges’ reflections, in 2015 publisher Franco Maria Ricci inaugurated the world’s largest labyrinth. Set in the countryside between Parma and Fidenza, it covers an 8-acre area with a 3-kilometre walking path lined in bamboo hedges.
“I first dreamt of building a Labyrinth about thirty years ago, when on multiple occasions, in my countryside home near Parma I had a guest who was a friend as well as a key collaborator of the publishing house I had founded: the Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges”. This is how Franco Maria Ricci, owner of the Masone estate not far from Fontanellato remembered the genesis of his creation: a great star-shaped labyrinth, composed of 200.000 bamboo plants of different species, whose height spans from 30 centimetres up to 15 meters, set in a prevalently agricultural landscape. The labyrinth pattern, with its classic four interconnected sections set around a central square with turning points and forks, clearly manifests its source of inspiration: the eight-point star shape (cut down to seven due to the addition of the Museum building on the western side) recalls the ideal city of Sforzinda, as described by Filarete in his treatise “Trattato di Architettura” (1464 ca.), as well as the nine-point layout of the 1593 Venetian fortress-city of Palmanova in Friuli. The labyrinth is complemented by the exhibition space buildings and facilities designed by Pier Carlo Bontempi from Parma.