Set in the town of Khamma, this garden, one of the few examples still left on Pantelleria, is an ancient grove surrounded by a circular lava-block dry-stone wall protecting the trees and citrus groves from the strong island wind while also ensuring their irrigation.
The garden was donated by the Sicilian Donnafugata wine estate to FAI, the Italian National Trust. It is an ancient grove, interesting for its size and structural characteristics: it is circular, surrounded by a four-metre-high dry-stone wall made with lava-blocks, protecting a centuries-old sweet orange plant, the “Portugallo”. The structure of the surviving “giardini panteschi” – the gardens of Pantelleria – whose origins date back to 3000 BCE, recalls the primitive conception of the Mediterranean and near-East garden, exploiting the island’s climatic and hydrological conditions: the gardens are protected from the wind by high walls and benefit from a water collection system based on self-irrigation technologies that exploit the porosity of the stones and the difference in day and night temperatures. Restored and in a good state of conservation, it is immersed in the most beautiful natural scenery made up of terraced vineyards with centuries-old zibibbo grapes.